Education has helped me achieve some of my wildest dreams in life. I want to share the gift of education with others by helping them find educational opportunities.

I started this organization to help international students find a path to study in the United States.

I’ve gone through this entire process myself and I want to share what I’ve learned with you. At Path2CollegeUSA, we cover everything from college admissions, essay writing, standardized tests, funding, student visa procedures, and everything in between. I didn’t have anybody by my side when I was going through this process. So this is a resource I wish I had when I was applying to colleges.

It’s always been a dream for me to receive an education from an American university, as it probably is for you. And although this dream was difficult to achieve, I want you to know that it is totally possible. I am living proof of that, along with thousands of other international students.

I know, I know. You’re thinking this process is too complicated, or you don’t have the money to go to college in the U.S., or you must be a genius to get a scholarship. Don’t let these doubts intimidate you. With the right, hard-working attitude and good resources, you can do it. I’m far from a genius and I don’t come from a wealthy family. And if I did it, so can you.

I hope you find this blog helpful. If you have any feedback or want to suggest a topic that we should cover, please contact us.